

Upon arrival at your residence I will perform a thorough inspection in order to identify the source of the problem.

This will help to prevent using incorrect products and application techniques for the given problem. Many companies use blind treatment plans and can turn an easy fix into a much more difficult situation.

At Pro Guard Pest Solutions I pride myself in using the least invasive products available in order to control the situation.Sometimes insecticides, weather Botanical or Artificial may not be necessary if proper Exclusion and Habitat Alterations are implemented. This leads to a Safer and Cleaner process and Elimination of pests, and a Cleaner Environment.

In Montana we are lucky to be able to enjoy four seasons!! The only downfall is with every new season comes a new set of pests. Here at Pro Guard I will provide detailed services to keep unwanted pests out the Entire Year leaving you to enjoy your home in peace.


Once spring arrives insects start de-winterizing, unprotected homes will quickly start noticing an increase of spiders, ants, centipedes, flies, among other bugs following suit. Applying a Barrier prior to warmer temperatures will impede infestation and bugs taking over your home.


As days get longer and and temperatures increase so do the presents of Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Hornets and Ants. I will again apply a ground Barrier around the Foundation of your house and landscape to keep Spiders,Ants, and other insects from entering your house along with removing Yellow Jacket nests and cobwebs from Eaves, Overhangs, Garages and Porches. A safe Repellent will then be applied to these areas to deter them from building in these areas.


My Favorite time of year in this beautiful state we live in, but as the temperature drops spiders become very active feeding on the high number of insects that have established themselves throughout the summer. They also start looking for a warm safe place to escape the harsh winter. Along with the Foundation Barrier application I will again remove any cob webs and nests I may find and seal around windows and doors with a safe and long lasting repellent.